A Little About Us

Friday night lights watching Texas high school football

DFW is Our Home Too

We attended high school and college here, we have raised our kids here, and this community is a part of who we are. The neighborhoods, school districts and families we serve are important to us because we live here too. We are dedicated to making the area the best that it can possibly be.

How We Can Help

If you have a property that has become more trouble than it is worth let us help you get out from under the problem. We are local real estate investors who have the knowledge, skills and connections to help.  If you lack the equity to sell with an agent or just know that the house needs more work than you can manage, we can put you on a better path.

What We Do

With knowledge of the local market and tools for the job we can create a fair, as is offer, for your property regardless of condition. Even if the property can not be funded by a conventional mortgage we can put together a win, win plan to present you an offer that benefits all parties.

Why Choose Us

Lots of companies offer to buy ugly houses and say they will make you a cash offer regardless of condition. What we believe sets us apart is the love we have for our community and our commitment to help you solve a problem, in the way that most benefits you as the seller, the community as a whole and us as the buyer.

Contact us about your property

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